Infant Mortality Rate(IMR)Predictor
Infant mortality refers to the death of infants who are less than one year. It is a critical indicator of the overall health and well-being of a population, reflecting the quality of healthcare, socioeconomic conditions, and access to essential services. IMR is typically calculated as the number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births within a specified time period, usually a year. AI plays a significant role in predicting IMR. We have developed an AI-based IMR Predictor. Our developed predictor analyzes vast amounts of data, including healthcare records, socio-economic factors, and demographic information, to identify patterns and risk factors associated with infant mortality. By identifying these factors early on, policymakers can take targeted actions to reduce IMR and allocate resources more effectively. A prediction can be made using the predictor in a few easy steps , as shown on the website.

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Quick Search and Select Indicator
Select any desired indicator for Prediction for instance IMR

Select Prediction Level
Select a desired prediction level such as District or Facility level for performing prediction.

Select Area
Select any specific area (District, Facility, Tehsil, or Union Councils). The area can be selected from the dropdown list as well as from the map.

Select Duration
Select any duration i.e. year, quarterly, monthly for prediction.

Perform Prediction
After selecting the prerequisites perform prediction. The prediction results can be viewed and downloaded in different formats.